
For nearly a decade I’ve always wanted to write and have a space where I can share my thoughts. Thoughts on mortality, morality, and humanity. During that time I've grown into a completely different person than I was when I was in my early twenties. I'm 34 years old so when "the internet" became "the internet" that we know today I was in my late teens. When I graduated from High School Friendster was on the decline and MySpace was taking off. Blogger was launched in 1999 and purchased by Google in 2003, I've always only known this service as a Google service. Anyway, back to what I was saying, I was in my early twenties and I was pretty angry with the world (even though I had it pretty good, all things considered) and I was an Atheist and I didn't want to be a parent. Fast forward to today I am not only a Christian but I am also married man and a father to a five-month-old boy. Before that, I was a politician where I was even Mayor of my hometown. I'm laying down the foundation here because I think once I get the context of who I am and what I think about certain topics I can then dive into more complex thinking and post my observances here. I'm going to leave that there for now, I know it ain't much but it is a start.


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